“The Fault In Our Starts” By Green John

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Photo By: Michelle Dominguez

Today I am reading a book named “The Fault In Our Starts” by Green John. Is about a Girl named Hazel she is sixteen years old and she has cancer in her lungs that means that she can not breathe really well, so she takes an oxygen tank with her every where. Everyday she is goes to a Support Group that her mom makes her go everyday for no reason. In support group she feels in love with a boy name Augustus  he has cancer on his leg that means that he have one real leg a one fake leg . Augustus he only goes to support group for his friend Issac he has cancer too he has cancer on his eyes. “It took me to read this book like about a week. I was reading it over spring break of this year 2013.”, said Michelle Dominguez. So everyone out their who loves to read romance and cancer then you should read this book and it is a little sad at the end. So I hope you guys like this book like I do too. There is a website that you can read the first chapter of this book ” The fault In Our Starts” Michelle Dominguez